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Documentos Normativos Portugueses anulados

NP 4397:2008 Sistemas de gestão da segurança e saúde do trabalho – Requisitos

NP EN 1875-3:2003 Tecidos revestidos a plástico ou borracha - Determinação da força do rasgo - Parte 3: Método trapezoidal Substituído EN 1875-3:2023

NP EN ISO 2418:2017 Couro - Ensaios químicos, físico-mecânicos e de solidez - Localização da amostragem Substituído EN ISO 2418:2023

NP EN ISO 19076:2016 Leather - Measurement of leather surface - Using electronic techniques (ISO 19076:2016) Substituído EN ISO 19076:2023

Normas Europeias adotadas

NP EN 1384:2023, Capacetes de protecção para desportos hípicos

NP EN 1466:2023, Child use and care articles - Carry cots and stands - Safety requirements and test methods

NP EN 17134-2:2023, Textiles and textile products - Determination of biocide additives - Part 2: Chlorophenol-based preservatives, method using gas chromatography

NP EN 17558:2023, Ergonomics - Ergonomics of PPE ensembles

NP EN 17861:2023, Resilient, textile, laminate and modular mechanical locked floor coverings - Circular Economy - Terms and definitions

NP EN ISO 9073-1:2023 Nonwovens - Test methods - Part 1: Determination of mass per unit area (ISO 9073-1:2023)

NP EN ISO 9073-3:2023 Nonwovens - Test methods - Part 3: Determination of tensile strength and elongation at break using the strip method (ISO 9073- 3:2023)

NP EN ISO 9073-13:2023 Nonwovens - Test methods - Part 13: Repeated liquid strike-through time (simulated urine) (ISO 9073-13:2023)

NP EN ISO 9073-14:2023 Nonwovens - Test methods - Part 14: Coverstock wetback (simulated urine) (ISO 9073-14:2023)

NP EN ISO 11137-2:2015/A1:2023 Esterilização de produtos de saúde – Radiação - Parte 2: Determinação da dose esterilização

NP EN ISO 11610:2023 Vestuário de proteção – Vocabulário

NP EN ISO 11936:2023 Leather - Determination of total content of certain bisphenols (ISO 11936:2023)

NP EN ISO 13004:2023 Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Substantiation of selected sterilization dose: Method VDmaxSD (ISO 13004:2022)

NP EN ISO 13997:2023 Protective clothing - Mechanical properties - Determination of resistance to cutting by sharp objects (ISO 13997:2023)

NP EN ISO 17751-1:2023 Textiles - Quantitative analysis of cashmere, wool, other specialty animal fibers and their blends - Part 1: Light microscopy method (ISO 17751-1:2023)

NP EN ISO 18218-1:2023 Leather - Determination of ethoxylated alkylphenols (APEO) - Part 1: Direct method (ISO 18218-1:2023)

NP EN ISO 23702-1:2023 Leather - Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances - Part 1: Determination of non-volatile compounds by extraction method using liquid chromatography (ISO 23702-1:2023)

Documentos Normativos Europeus Publicados

CEN/TS 17946:2023, Helmets for S-EPAC riders

EN 14350:2020+A1:2023, Child care articles - Drinking equipment - Safety requirements and test methods

EN 17134-2:2023, Textiles and textile products - Determination of biocide additives - Part 2: Chlorophenol-based preservatives, method using gas chromatography

EN ISO 11936:2023 Leather - Determination of total content of certain bisphenols (ISO 11936:2023)

EN ISO 17751-1:2023 Textiles - Quantitative analysis of cashmere, wool, other specialty animal fibers and their blends - Part 1: Light microscopy method

EN ISO 23537-2:2023 Requirements for sleeping bags - Part 2: Fabric and material properties

EN ISO 80004-1:2023 Nanotechnologies - Vocabulary - Part 1: Core vocabulary


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