Normas Portuguesas editadas
NP 4588:2023, Sistema de gestão para a igualdade remuneratória entre mulheres e homens - Requisitos e orientações
Documentos Normativos Portugueses anulados
NP EN 1888-2:2018, Child care articles - Wheeled child conveyances - Part 2: Pushchairs for children above 15 kg up to 22 kg Substituído EN 1888-2:2018+A1:2022
Normas Europeias adotadas
NP EN 17738:2023, Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Damage during installation procedure - Full scale test
NP EN 17848:2023, Leather - Chemicals - Quality control
NP EN ISO 283:2023, Textile conveyor belts - Full thickness tensile strength, elongation at break and elongation at the reference load -
NP EN ISO 17072-2:2022, Leather - Chemical determination of metal content - Part 2: Total metal content
Documentos Normativos Europeus Publicados
CEN/TR 17945:2023, Textiles and textile products - Textiles with integrated electronics and ICT - Definitions, categorisation, applications and standardisation needs
EN 4862:2023, Aerospace series - Rotorcraft constant wear lifejackets - Requirements, testing and marking
EN 4863:2023, Aerospace series - Rotorcraft immersion suits - Requirements, testing and marking
EN ISO 4484-3:2023, Textiles and textile products - Microplastics from textile sources - Part 3: Measurement of collected material mass released from textile end products by domestic washing method
EN ISO 11610:2023, Vestuário de proteção – Vocabulário