Documentos Normativos Portugueses anulados
NP EN ISO 11644:2014 Couro - Ensaio de adesão do acabamento (ISO 11644:2009) Substituído EN ISO 11644:2022
Normas Europeias adotadas
NP EN 1875-3:2023, Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics - Determination of tear strength - Part 3: Trapezoidal method (fivehighest-peak calculation)
NP EN ISO 4484-1:2023 Textiles and textile products - Microplastics from textile sources - Part 1: Determination of material loss from fabrics during washing (ISO 4484- 1:2023)
NP EN ISO 2418:2023 Leather - Chemical, physical, mechanical and fastness tests - Position and preparation of specimens for testing (ISO 2418:2023)
NP EN ISO 14268:2023 Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of water vapour permeability (ISO 14268:2023)
NP EN ISO 19076:2023 Leather - Measurement of leather surface - Electronic techniques (ISO 19076:2023)
NP EN ISO 19749:2023 Nanotechnologies - Measurements of particle size and shape distributions by scanning electron microscopy (ISO 19749:2021)
NP EN ISO 28862:2023 Packaging - Child-resistant packaging - Requirements and testing procedures for nonreclosable packages for non-pharmaceutical products (ISO 28862:2018)
Documentos Normativos Europeus Publicados
CEN/TR 13387-5:2023, Child care articles - General safety guidelines - Part 5: Product information
EN 564:2023, Equipamento de alpinismo e de escalada - Cordão - Requisitos de segurança e métodos de ensaio
EN 892:2012+A3:2023, Mountaineering equipment - Dynamic mountaineering ropes - Safety requirements and test methods
EN 14058:2017+A1:2023, Protective clothing - Garments for protection against cool environments
EN 17848:2023, Leather - Chemicals - Quality control
EN ISO 11137-2:2015/A1:2023 Esterilização de produtos de saúde – Radiação - Parte 2: Determinação da dose esterilização