Documentos Normativos Portugueses anulados
NP EN 1888-1:2018 Child care articles - Wheeled child conveyances - Part 1: Pushchairs and prams Substituído EN 1888-1:2018+A1:2022
NP EN ISO 5402-1:2017 Couro - Determinação da resistência à flexão - Parte 1: Método do Flexómetro Substituído EN ISO 5402-1:2022
Normas Europeias adotadas
NP EN 13336:2022 Leather - Upholstery leather characteristics - Guide for selection of leather for furniture
NP EN 14344:2022, Artigos de Puericultura – Assentos de criança para bicicletas – Requisitos de segurança e métodos de ensaio. Child care articles - Child seats for cycles - Safety requirements and test methods
NP EN 16779-2:2022, Textile child care articles - Safety requirements and test methods for children's cot duvets - Part 2: Duvet covers (excluding duvet)
NP EN 17673:2022, Protective clothing - Protection against heat and flame - Requirements and test methods for garments with integrated smart textiles and non textile elements
NP EN ISO 15701:2022 Leather - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to migration into polymeric material (ISO 15701:2022)
NP EN ISO 20535:2022 Footwear - Test method for insoles and insocks - Dimensional change after cycle of wetting and drying (ISO 20535:2019)