Documentos Normativos Portugueses editados
DNP TS 4575:2020, Máscaras para uso social - Requisitos para a certificação
Documentos Normativos Portugueses anulados
DNP TS 4508:2012 Determinação do valor da incorporação nacional em produtos
NP EN 1073-1:2016 Vestuário de proteção contra partículas sólidas em suspensão no ar, incluindo contaminação radioativa - Parte 1: Requisitos e métodos de ensaio para vestuário de proteção ventilado por uma adução de ar comprimido, protegendo o corpo e as vias respiratórias Substituído EN 1073-1:2016+A1:2018
NP EN ISO 1833-12:2019 Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 12: Mixtures of acrylic, certain modacrylics, certain chlorofibres, certain elastane fibres with certain other fibres (method using dimethylformamide) (ISO 1833-12:2019)
NP EN ISO 1833-18:2019 Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 18: Mixtures of silk with other protein fibres (method using sulfuric acid) (ISO 1833-18:2019)
NP EN ISO 3376:2014 Couro - Ensaios físico-mecânicos - Determinação da resistência à tração e da percentagem de alongamento (ISO 3376:2011) Substituído EN ISO 3376:2020
NP EN ISO 11111-1:2016 Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 1: Common requirements (ISO 11111-1:2016)
Normas Europeias adotadas
NP EN 266:2020, Wall coverings in roll form - Specification for textile wall coverings
NP EN ISO 3303-1:2020 Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics - Determination of bursting strength - Part 1: Steel-ball method (ISO 3303-1:2020)
NP EN ISO 3303-2:2020 Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics - Determination of bursting strength - Part 2: Hydraulic method (ISO 3303-2:2020)
NP EN ISO 13365-1:2020 Leather - Chemical determination of the preservative (TCMTB, PCMC, OPP, OIT) content in leather by liquid chromatography - Part 1: Acetonitrile extraction method (ISO 13365- 1:2020)
NP EN ISO 13365-2:2020 Leather - Chemical determination of the preservative (TCMTB, PCMC, OPP, OIT) content in leather by liquid chromatography - Part 2: Artificial perspiration extraction method (ISO 13365-2:2020)
NP EN ISO 14002-1:2020 Environmental management systems - Guidelines for using ISO 14001 to address environmental aspects and conditions within an environmental topic area - Part 1: General (ISO 14002-1:2019)
NP EN ISO 22744-2:2020 Textiles and textile products - Determination of organotin compounds - Part 2: Direct method using liquid chromatography (ISO 22744-2:2020)
NP EN ISO 22751:2020 Rubber or plastic coated fabrics - Physical and mechanical test - Determination of bending force (ISO 22751:2020)
Documentos Normativos Europeus Publicados
EN 266:2020, Wall coverings in roll form - Specification for textile wall coverings
EN 17394-2:2020, Textiles and textile products - Part 2: Safety of children's clothing - Security of attachment of buttons - Test method
EN ISO 3303-1:2020 Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics - Determination of bursting strength - Part 1: Steel-ball method (ISO 3303-1:2020)
EN ISO 17234-1:2020 Leather - Chemical tests for the determination of certain azo colorants in dyed leathers - Part 1: Determination of certain aromatic amines derived from azo colorants (ISO 17234-1:2020)
EN ISO 22744-2:2020 Textiles and textile products - Determination of organotin compounds - Part 2: Direct method using liquid chromatography (ISO 22744-2:2020)
EN ISO 22751:2020 Rubber or plastic coated fabrics - Physical and mechanical test - Determination of bending force (ISO 22751:2020)