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Documentos Normativos Portugueses editados

DNP CWA 17553:2020, Cobertura de rosto comunitária – Guia para os requisitos mínimos, métodos de ensaio e utilização

DNP TS 4575:2020, Máscaras para uso social - Requisitos para a certificação

Documentos Normativos Portugueses anulados

NP EN ISO 11607-1:2017 Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices - Part 1: Requirements for materials, sterile barrier systems and packaging systems (ISO 11607- 1:2006)

NP EN ISO 11607-2:2017 Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices - Part 2: Validation requirements for forming, sealing and assembly processes (ISO 11607- 2:2006)

NP EN ISO 13938-1:2001 Têxteis - Propriedades de rebentamento de tecidos - Parte 1: Método hidráulico para a determinação da resistência ao rebentamento e da distensão no rebentamento (ISO 13938-1:1999)

NP EN ISO 13938-2:2001 Têxteis - Propriedades de rebentamento de tecidos - Parte 2: Método pneumático para a determinação da resistência ao rebentamento e da distensão no rebentamento (ISO 13938-2:1999)

NP EN ISO 3071:2007 Têxteis - Determinação do pH do extracto aquoso (ISO 3071:2005)

DEN ISO 10993-18:2020 , Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 18: Chemical characterization of medical device materials within a risk management process (ISO 10993-18:2020)

NP EN ISO 12956:2016 Geotêxteis e produtos relacionados - Determinação da dimensão característica da abertura (ISO 12956:2010)

Documentos Normativos Europeus Publicados

EN ISO 11737-2:2020 , Sterilization of health care products - Microbiological methods - Part 2: Tests of sterility performed in the definition, validation and maintenance of a sterilization EN

ISO 3376:2020 , Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of tensile strength and percentage elongation (ISO 3376:2020)process (ISO 11737-2:2019)

CEN/TR 17512:2020, Personal protective equipment - Smart garments - Terms and definitions

CWA 17553:2020 Community face coverings - Guide to minimum requirements, methods of testing and use

EN ISO 105-B06:2020 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part B06: Colour fastness and ageing to artificial light at high temperatures: Xenon arc fading lamp test (ISO 105-B06:2020)

EN ISO 1833-1:2020 Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 1: General principles of testing (ISO 1833-1:2020)

EN ISO 1833-2:2020 Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 2: Ternary fibre mixtures (ISO 1833-2:2020)

EN ISO 1833-29:2020 Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 29: Mixtures of polyamide with polypropylene/polyamide bicomponent (method using sulfuric acid) (ISO 1833-29:2020)

EN ISO 12951:2020 Textile floor coverings - Determination of mass loss, fibre bind and stair nosing appearance change using the Lisson Tretrad machine (ISO 12951:2020)

EN ISO 12960:2020 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Screening test methods for determining the resistance to acid and alkaline liquids (ISO 12960:2020)

EN ISO 20418-3:2020 Textiles - Qualitative and quantitative proteomic analysis of some animal hair fibres - Part 3: Peptide detection using LC-MS without protein reduction (ISO 20418-3:2020)

EN ISO 22744-1:2020 Textiles and textile products - Determination of organotin compounds - Part 1: Derivatisation method using gas chromatography (ISO 22744- 1:2020)

Normas Europeias adotadas

NP EN ISO 3376:2020 Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of tensile strength and percentage elongation (ISO 3376:2020)

NP EN ISO 5912:2020 Camping tents - Requirements and test methods (ISO 5912:2020)

NP EN ISO 10993-18:2020 Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 18: Chemical characterization of medical device materials within a risk management process (ISO 10993-18:2020)

NP EN ISO 11737-2:2020 Sterilization of health care products - Microbiological methods - Part 2: Tests of sterility performed in the definition, validation and maintenance of a sterilization process (ISO 11737-2:2019)

NP EN ISO 21420:2020 Luvas de proteção - Requisitos gerais e métodos de ensaio (ISO/FDIS 21420:2018)

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